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Neon Brave (2015), white road Dance Media Photo: Marisa Jane Green


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Materia at Highways and NYC 

(NYC venue details forthcoming) 

Saturday February 22nd, 8:30pm PST/ 11:30pm EST 

Poetry, dance, sound, video, vital materiality. Through their ritual presencing practice, Materia immerses experience in worldly sensibilities with two simultaneous improvisational performances in Los Angeles and New York City. Live stream projections and feedback loops link performers, nonhuman entities, and ghostly matter in a technologically mediated environment that relocates potentiality and scatters attention in spiritual ecstasy. By activating a practice of being space-shared, this diffusion and distribution of vital capacities rejects individuation and extends human sensibility beyond the bounds of the body in and as an inseparable we, with all things human, nonhuman, past, present, and future.

7/29/19 rooftop ritual with Joey De Jesus, B Taylor, and Matt Roth (video)

10/31/18, Joey De Jesus in Poetry Project's Harpyland, with B Taylor and Sammy Roth (video: Matt Roth)

© 2019 by SAMMY ROTH

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